What is a strategic plan?
A strategic plan is an organization's process of defining its future direction and determining systematically how it will achieve its future vision, including the allocation of resources to achieve the set plan. Strategic plans help assure that an organization remains relevant and responsive to the needs of its community, and contributes to organizational stability and growth.
Why does it take 5 years?
The 5 years relate to the end result of what we believe BCRP should look like and how it should operate. In reality, a 5 year strategic plan involves a series of smaller goals, priorities, and work plans.
How can I get involved?
We will be hosting 5 main Town Halls and 3 specialty Town Halls, from September 27-October 10, 2019. See our event schedule here!
Who do I contact?
All Rec 2025 questions can be sent to Rec2025@baltimorecity.gov.